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Aren’t religious people, on balance, happier than non-religious people?

Anna Brown from Pew Research reports:

Numerous studies have shown that people who are religious are happier in life. Now, a new study has found those who believe in God with no doubts are more likely to strongly disagree with the idea that life does not have meaning.

…The latest data on happiness and religious belief from a Pew Research Center survey shows religious people, on balance, are happier than nonreligious people.

Adults who attended religious services once a week or more often were significantly more likely to report feeling “very happy” (36%) than those who attended seldom or never (23%), and less likely to say they were “pretty happy” (46% vs. 55%) or “not too happy” (13% vs. 19%). Those who attend services more than once a week are the most happy of all, with 43% reporting that they are “very happy.”

Anna Brown – Study: Religious people more likely to reject the idea that life has no purpose

Why would religious people be happier than non-religious people?


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