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Why is there a wordplay on the name “Jared”?

The Book of Mormon seems to go out of its way to mention “descending” or “coming down” in close proximity to the word “Jared”, such as in Ether 2:4:

And it came to pass that when they [the Jaredites] had come down into the valley of Nimrod the Lord came down and talked with the brother of Jared; and he was in a cloud, and the brother of Jared saw him not. (emphasis added)

Matthew L. Bowen comments on this scripture:

As editor Moroni appears to have crafted the narrative to include onomastic wordplay on the name Jared (written in the Hebrew Bible as yered or yāred), a patriarchal name as noted above, which sounds very similar to the Hebrew verb yārad (“descend,” “go down”). The people of Jared “come down” into the valley of Nimrod, the appointed place where the Lord “comes down” to “meet” them. 

Matthew L. Bowen – Coming Down and Bringing Down: Pejorative Onomastic Allusions to the Jaredites in Helaman 6:25, 6:38, and Ether 2:11

Bowen continues:

Thus, Moroni appears to have intentionally described the Lord’s theophanic “condescensions” using language from Exodus and its etiological descriptions of the function of the tent of the meeting. We witness the same phenomenon as the narrative progresses. Moroni records, “And it came to pass at the end of four years that the Lord came again unto the brother of Jared [yered/yāred] and stood in a cloud and talked with him. And for the space of three hours did the Lord talk with the brother of Jared and chastened him because he remembered not to call upon the name of the Lord” (Ether 2:14; see further Ether 4:1; 6:2, 19, 21 which echo the foregoing wordplay on [brother of] Jared/yārad).

Thus, Moroni seems to have made an ongoing narrative effort to associate the name Jared with the Lord’s theophanic “condescensions” or “coming[s] down” and the origin of the Jaredites as a people with “coming down” or “going down.” One might even go further in surmising that the importance of the name Jared in the foregoing semiotic context offers a plausible explanation for why Moroni consistently opts for the circumlocution “the brother of Jared” over the name Moriancumer (attested only Ether 2:13) in telling his Jaredite narrative. Indeed, this same onomastic principle seems to hold for Mormon’s and Moroni’s respective uses of the term “Jaredites” in Moroni 9:23 and “people of Jared” on the title page of the Book of Mormon and in Moroni 1:1.The term “Jaredites” itself suggests the notion of yōrĕdîm “those who go down” (and eventually “go down to destruction”). In other words, the name “Jaredites” or “people of Jared” tells their story.

Matthew L. Bowen – Coming Down and Bringing Down: Pejorative Onomastic Allusions to the Jaredites in Helaman 6:25, 6:38, and Ether 2:11

How would Joseph Smith have known how to dictate these wordplays?


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