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What are we to make of Joseph Smith’s other fulfilled prophecies?

Joseph Smith also made many other prophecies which were fulfilled such as the Liberty jail prophecies, Word of wisdom prophecy, genealogy prophecy, stakes in Boston prophecy, prophesying his own death, prophesying Dan Jones’s mission to Wales, Steven Markham prophecy, Olmstead Johnson prophecy, prophesying that Brigham Young would preside over the church, prophesying that the Bishopric would never be taken away from Newel K. Whitney, prophesying that Anson Call would go and assist in building up cities from one end of the country to the other, prophesying that Judge Douglas and no other judge of the Circuit Court would ever set aside a law of the city council, prophesying that Governor Boggs would die a violent death, prophesying that sickness would enter into the houses of the mob and vex them until they repent, prophesying that the devil would handle Sidney Rigdon as one man handles another, and prophesying that he would not live to see forty more years.

Of prophecies, Nephi Lowell Morris rightly points out

Time is the supreme test of a prophecy. He who undertakes to foretell events must know that Time in its merciless pursuit will find him out. Of all the pretenses of the false prophet, prophesying is the most hazardous. Religious impostors often display qualities of leadership in controlling the affairs of their followers. The more modest their pretenses, however, the more likely are they to escape detection and exposure. But when spiritual leaders assume to exercise the exalted function of prophecy, and have the courage to publish their prophecies, they place their reputations before the bar of the world, and as the weight of Time presses out the vintage of the centuries they must sink to a deserving oblivion or be exalted to a place in the skies. Time is a foe of Fraud, but the never-failing friend of Truth.

Nephi Lowell Morris – Prophecies of Joseph Smith and their Fulfillment

Why was Joseph Smith so confident to prophesy like this?


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