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If Joseph Smith took the time to deliberately include potentially over 430 instances of chiasmus in the Book of Mormon (30 of which are at least 6 levels deep), why wouldn’t he ensure that someone noticed them?

Scholar Donald W. Parry has reformatted the entire Book of Mormon to display each instance of chiasmus. There are over 430 instances of chiasmus identified with 30 being at least 6 levels deep. 

Parry lists the various ways or configurations in which words or sentences are found to be parallel in the Book of Mormon:

Synonymous or near-synonymous terms or phrases, Identical words or phrases, Antithetical words or opposites, Complements, Metaphors, Double similes, Resultative relationship, Gender-matched parallelism, Rhetorical questions, Numbers, Lists, Grammatical parallelisms, Opening a prophecy, and Domain and subcategory

He also lists the types of parallelisms:

Chiasmus and Inverted Parallelism, Simple Synonymous, Extended Synonymous, Simple Alternate, Repeated Alternate, Extended Alternate, Synthetic Parallelism, Extended Synthetic Parallelism, Gradation Parallelism, Progression Parallelism, Parallelism of Numbers, Antithetical Parallelism or Opposites, Detailing, Working Out, and Contrasting Ideas

And the types of repetition:

Like Sentence Beginnings, Many Ands, “Nor” and “Or”, Random Repetition, Regular Repetition, Like Sentence Endings, Like Paragraph Endings, Repetition of Words, Duplication and Synonymous Words

If Joseph Smith took the time and effort to include all these when dictating, why did he never mention it? Why did he never draw attention to any of the Hebraisms? 


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